Contact Us

Please provide the email address at which you would like us to contact you.
Please provide your email address again for verification. We want to help you, so be sure you submit your correct email address.
I need help with:
Are you a new or returning customer?
Here's what is happening:
Tell us in as much detail as possible what you are experiencing. If you can provide URLs of pages and any error message you receive, that would be fabulous!
Here's what I'm trying to do:
Please enter the name of the product you would like to find out about, as well as the URL of the product page (e.g.,, along with your question(s).
We love to hear from our customers about new things they'd like to see. Let us know your thoughts!
Provide as much detail about what is happening as you can. Critical information includes the type of embroidery machine you are using, the name of the file you are trying to use, and the format of the file. 

It is easy! All you need is a picture or some sort of original art saved as a digital image (.JPG, .PNG preferred). Be sure the file is less than 1MB in size.

Once you have that, click on the "Custom Digitizing" button, upload your file, and then pay for your purchase through the shopping cart.

You'll receive and email once it is done with a link to where you can go to download your file. You can always come back and download your file again later - just visit "My Files" in your user account.

To login, click on the "Login" button at the top right of any page. Your login information is the same on this new version of the site as on the old.

If you cannot remember your password, first click on Request a new password on the login page. Enter your username or e-mail address, and then click "E-mail new password." If you have an account with us, instructions will be sent to your email address.

If your email address has changed, or if you still cannot get into your account, please provide the email address you think you may have used to create the account, and we'll look it up for you and reset the account. Also be sure to include your current email address so we can contact you (especially if the old email address is no longer accessibile/working!)

To change your password, first log into the site. Click on your user name at the top right of the page. This will take you to your Account page. Click on the Edit tab. On this page, after you enter your existing password, you will be able to edit your password and other account information.
If you are having difficulties downloading files, tell us more about the browser you are using and the kind of computer you are using. Please also provide the name of the file you are trying to download, and the URL of the page on which you are trying to download from.

Once you have purchased a downloadable file, it will appear in your Account area.

Start by clicking on your user name at the top right of the page. Recent file purchases will appear in the column on the right. To see all your files, and more details, click on the "Files" tab at the top of the account page. Simply click on the image, and the file will start to download.

If you find that you've inadvertently purchased a format that does not work with you embroidery machine, we'll swap it out for you for the appropriate format. For free fonts, you can just "purchase" the file you need without contacting us.
Format you purchased
Format you need instead
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